Backstage Access with WWE’s Tyler Breeze

If you’ve ever wondered what life as a professional wrestler would be like, wonder no more. Tyler Breeze, the Canadian native and one part of “the Brezango” duo, gave us a call to talk about life on the road and his journey to the WWE life.

When did you know you wanted to become a wrestler?

It’s kind of a story you hear a lot- I was six years old watching wrestling and I thought, “Hey…I really really like this and I think that’s what I want to do as my career.” Everything I did kinda geared right towards that.


What’s your physical training and workout routine like?

Initially when you’re getting into it there’s the training in a school, just like you would do for any other career. You have to go and learn the ropes and put yourself through it and see if you actually have what it takes.  You just keep learning and going through the next process of going against different opponents.

What is life on the road like?

It’s busy, very busy. You have to get very good at traveling- people AREN’T very good at travel in general, not good at driving, not good at airports- you have to have a lot of patience.  We are on the road 4 or 5 days a week and the Europe tour is coming up in May, which is going to be 14 days long- you don’t really have a choice, you  just have to buckle up and be ready to go.

Tell us about your signature move, and your “outfit.”

There’s a move I like to win with and beat people with- basically I just jump up and spin around and kick people in the face! I like to call that one the “Beauty Shot.” My outfit-  it’s a little elaborate- some people like to just wear the classic wrestling trunks, and I kinda went the other way with it, having crystals all over everything and furs on everything- very elaborate.

Another move I have is called “The Unprettier,” so I wait until someone has their back turned to me and I hook their arms and smash their face to the ground.

If you were a dessert, what kind of dessert would you be, and why?

icecream1If I was a dessert?! You know what…l think because we are so “out there” and kind of blaze our own path, I would probably a lot of ice cream with a lot – like handfuls- of peanut butter, chocolate, everything you can think of, kind of like a sundae but it’s gonna be a super elaborate sundae.

WWE is coming to the Peoria Civic Center on Monday, April 24th at 7pm. For more information visit




Check out more Backstage Access posts, videos, articles and more- coming soon!

7 of David Nail’s Greatest Lyrics

davidCountry singer, David Nail, is coming to the Civic Center on April 7th, so we’re celebrating by rounding up some of the greatest lyrics he’s sang so far! Like many artists, Nail’s lyrics focus heavily on his own feelings and life experiences, particularly in his love life. Take a look at some of the lyrical gems from his first four albums, and see what our intern, Kristin Drew, has to say about them!




It’s kinda like a spider’s web

I just can’t seem to shake you off.

–Strangers on a Train

Anybody who’s ever had a crush on anyone can relate to these lines. It describes that feeling of constantly having someone on your mind; it’s like a spider’s web that you just can’t seem to get off of you…but in a good way.



No one thought I was good enough for you

Except for you

Don’t let them be right

After all that we’ve been through

‘Cause somewhere over that rainbow

There’s a place for me

A place with you

–I’m About to Come Alive

This is just too feelsy not to love, honestly. If you love someone, don’t let what other people think get between you!



A million perfect moments go rushin’ through my brain

Every time I touch the ocean, anytime I taste the rain

When you look over your shoulder, baby, you can choose

To remember me however you want to

That’s how I’ll remember you.

–That’s How I’ll Remember You

This is just too cute. When you stop dating someone, you don’t have to remember them as someone who hurt you or anything like that. You can choose how you remember them, and he’s choosing to remember her as something good in his life.



Under every streetlight up on Main

You sitting there drumming on a dashboard

Both of us falling like a fickle rain

–When They’re Gone

This is the perfect example of noticing the little things about someone as you’re falling in love with them.  Something as simple as dancing to a song in the car just makes you look at them like they’re perfect.



Some things aren’t meant to last forever

But that don’t mean you forget ’em when they’re gone

–When They’re Gone

This applies to so many things in life. Just because a friendship or a relationship ends doesn’t mean you have to completely forget about all the good times you had with that person.



Do you find yourself wondering

If I still think about you

Every thought, every step

Every tear and every breath

I swear I do

Yeah, that’s all I ever do

–Kiss You Tonight

Also relatable. Almost everyone has had someone you just can’t seem to get off your mind, no matter what you do.



Yesterday’s history

Tomorrow’s a mystery

Go ahead and guess all you want

There’s no rhyme or reason

For wasting time thinking ’bout

What’s gonna go right or wrong

–Good At Tonight

This lyric is just good life advice, to be honest. Listen to David Nail and focus on the present! You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow, and yesterday is already gone, so live in the moment while you can!

Share this article or comment on it with YOUR favorite David Nail lyrics, or tell us why you like any of the ones we have listed here, and get your tickets to see David Nail at the Civic Center on April 7th!