10 Questions with Megan Pedigo

Meet Megan Pedigo, a very dedicated and hard working employee of the PCC. Megan worked as the Event Manger for 2 years before becoming the Senior Marketing Manager.


  1. How many years have you worked for the Peoria Civic Center?

7 years

  1. What is a typical day at work like for you?

I focus mainly on marketing all the ticketed events at the PCC. Each day is different depending on what events are going on at the time. I work mostly on media buying for each show, which involves lots of communication. I also take control of the social media sites and focus on engaging the fans while promoting the upcoming events and researching new ways to stay engaged on social media. I also work on customer service and public relations work.

  1. What your favorite part of your job?

Getting to see all of the work we put into a show come together. I love being able to work on show day and getting to see families make new memories while attending the show.

  1. What is one of your greatest accomplishments so far while working at PCC?

PNC Winterfest and the Broadway Series. This will be our 3rd year for Winterfest and being able to be involved with Winterfest from start to finish is awesome! The marketing team does a lot with the Broadway Series and I enjoy being able to promote and put it all together in order to keep our season ticket holders.

  1. What is one of your most important goals that you would like to achieve while working at the PCC?

To be able to provide entertainment year round and to keep bring people downtown Peoria in order to continue to grow and develop the area.

  1. If you could have any other job what would it be?

Be an event manager again because I got to work with so many great people and it was a lot of fun.

  1. How did you get to where you are now and where do you hope to be in

the future?

I started out as a director of a nonprofit then moved to Peoria and became the Event Manager at the PCC and got the opportunity to understand the industry after that I became the marketing manager. I am glad that I got the opportunity to understand and know the organization from top to bottom before becoming the Marketing Manager

  1. If you could get your favorite band or Broadway show to come to the PCC who would it be?


  1. What is one piece of advice that you would have given your younger self?

Don’t be afraid to ask Questions! Most of the mistakes that people make are from the questions that they did not ask. There is always more that you can learn.

  1. What is the most important thing you have learned so far while working at PCC?

Treat others the way that you want to be treated; this includes everyone that you work with and the customers. Everyone plays an important role in making an event a success.

Great Rivers Annual Conference Returns to Peoria

The Great Rivers Annual Conference will be taking place again at the Peoria Civic Center on June 8-10. The operations crew at the Peoria Civic Center has been working hard all week to prepare for this big event, which will host around 2,000 people throughout the weekend. Lets take a look inside how the Civic Center has been preparing for Great Rivers.


Preparing for an event this size takes lots of time and help. Unlike other events at the PCC, this event has more of a classroom set up, including chairs and tables to seat 2,000 people. The stage was the first place to start with preparing to set up.  Then adding in the tables in front of the stage.IMG_3161

The set up takes about 3-4 days total with around 60 people helping. One of the hardest things for the event manager is all the little questions that come as they near the end of the set up and trying to keep everything straight.

Preparing for an event of this size is not always easy but it is rewarding in the end to see that great outcome that it produces.

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For more information on the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, click here.


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