10 Questions with Josh Wright

Adding Josh Wright to our Sales team at the PCC has not only brought a great attitude to our third floor group, but a great background of experience and ideas for the future of the building. Josh is a quiet but determined worker who we are lucky to have!

What does a typical work day look like for you as a Sales Manager at the PCC?

Josh headshot

A typical day consists of learning, networking, prospecting, and working with clients on their events.  However, with all the stuff that goes on in the PCC, some days you get to be involved in something unique or unexpected which is a job perk.

How did your previous experiences and/or education prepare you for your current role at the PCC?

I majored in marketing, and have sold various products and services over my career.  Backing those skills with being organized and having a desire to help people has led me to success that I plan to continue.

If you had the chance to bring your favorite band/show to the PCC, who would it be?

An acoustic show with Eddie Vedder in the theater would be amazing.


What is the most important achievement you hope to accomplish at the PCC?

I hope to do my part to further promote the PCC as the best location in the Peoria area to host corporate events.

Do you have a daily routine that helps you have a successful and productive day?

My daily routine is that before I leave the house I make sure I do everything I can to set my wife and kids up to have a great day.  If I want to have a productive day in my career, I have to make sure I’m a productive person at home where it starts.

What is the best piece of career advice someone has given you?

My dad always told me to do what you are good at and what makes you happy.  He came from humble beginnings, worked hard and sacrificed so I would have more opportunities in life than he did.  I’m very grateful for that influence.


indiana_jones_png__3_by_ent2pri9se-d7d16jx.pngIf you could play one character in any movie or TV show, what character would it be?

I wanted to be Indiana Jones when I was a kid, and I still think he’s an interesting character.

What is the most surprising aspect of working at a venue like the PCC?

I knew the PCC was big, but there is so much more space behind the scenes that you don’t see as a visitor.  Walking around the facility can be an adventure.

What do you do for fun when not at work?

Playing with my two boys takes up most of my free time. Things that I find fun and relaxing are fishing, hiking, and running.

What would be your dream job if you could do anything in the world?

I would write novels.  I’d move around the country to find interesting places and people that inspire me and then craft stories based on my experiences.


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